World cotton area is expected to increase by 8 percent to 32.6
million hectares in 2010-11, driven  by a significant rise in cotton
prices during 2009-10, coinciding with a loss of competitiveness by
major alternative crops and improved planting conditions in some areas.
The expansion in cotton area expected in 2010-11 will be driven by the
United States.
“Assuming average weather, the world average yield is forecast to
increase by 4 percent to 759 kg/ha. World cotton production is
projected up by 12 percent to 24.7 million tons. .
World cotton mill use is expected to continue to recover in 2010-11,
growing by 2 percent to 24.6 million tons, driven by continued
improvement in global economic growth, but limited by high cotton
“World cotton trade is expected to increase slightly to 7.6 million
tons. Chinese imports are forecast to grow by 21 percent to 2.4 million
tons. After dropping by 16 percent in 2009-10, global cotton ending
stocks are expected to increase by 2 percent in 2010-11, to 10.5
million tons. .
The Secretariat of the ICAC forecasts a 2010-11 season-average Cotlook
A Index of 82 cents per pound, with a 95 percent confidence interval
ranging from 70 to 96 cents per pound. .
However, major uncertainties pose substantial downward risks to this
forecast. The Secretariat of the ICAC believes that the 2010-11
season-average Cotlook A Index is more .
likely to be within the range of 70 to 82 cents per pound..

