“The system already installed in eight cotton gins worldwide, includes the use of unique SigNature T molecular tags, internet-based data collection linking evidence of tagging process quality to each bale ID, and bar code scanning of tagged packaged bales for inventory management and tracking. The cotton fibre will be managed with strict protocols throughout the supply chain to ensure purity and traceability, Applied DNA said in a press release. .“With receipt of this order for Egyptian cotton supply chain tagging and testing, we are moving to replicate our success in securing US cotton through its supply chain. Given the uncertainty surrounding the provenance of Egyptian cotton in the marketplace and growing calls for increased transparency and traceability by consumers, brands and industry advocates, the implementation of our SigNature T cotton traceability system endeavours to ensure that the value of Egyptian cotton can be substantiated throughout its supply chain,” said James A. Hayward, president and CEO of Applied DNA.

