“The Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) is a not-for-profit organization stewarding the global standards for Better Cotton, and bringing together cotton’s complex supply chain, from the farmers to the retailers”It was emphasized at the meeting that the famous global brands producing knitting products have switched to purchasing raw cotton grown in accordance with BCI’s Better Cotton methodologies. This year, IKEA plans to completely switch to cotton grown by farmers using this methodology, and many other major textile producers also plan to switch to such system by 2020. “According to experts, introduction of this methodology in the production of cotton will allow Uzbek textile producers to further strengthen their position in the global market. “The Better Cotton Initiative was founded in 2005 by leaders of the world market and international non-governmental organizations such as Adidas, Gap Inc., H & M, ICCO, IFAP, IFC, IKEA, Organic Exchange, Oxfam, PAN UK and WWF. “This initiative is aimed at teaching farmers with new technologies of cotton cultivation that require less water and pesticides, improve labor standards, and increase farmers’ profits. In order to increase the fertility, different types of cottonseed and several methods of cultivation are used. “BCI welcomes the day when Uzbek cotton farmers will be able to benefit from the methodologies of Better Cotton, the organization said on its website, until then however, no cotton sourced from Uzbekistan complies with the Production Principles and Criteria of the Better Cotton Standard”Cotton is an important export item for Uzbekistan. “International rights organizations have repeatedly criticized Uzbek authorities for the use of forced and child labor during cotton harvest campaigns in the country”