“The value increased for the first time in five months, while the volume decreased for the second consecutive month. ” “..

Imports from China rose by 3.1% in value to 166,668 million yen, while the quantity decreased by 2.8% to 278.17 million units. ” “..

As for imports from Asian countries other than China, imports from
Vietnam rose by 14.2% to 8,472 million yen, along with those from
Bangladesh by 11.5% to 1,090 million yen, and Indonesia by 21.1% to
1,072 million yen.
” “..

Imports from ASEAN rose by 15.0% in value to 13,900 million yen, and by 12.2% in volume to 19.87 million units.
” “..

Imports from Italy fell by 8.8% to 2,351 million yen, while those from France rose by 8.9% to 597 million yen.
” “..

Imports from the EU decreased by 3.3% in value to 3,900 million yen, but climbed 14.5% in volume to 690,000 units. ”

