• Egyptian Exports to the United States
• Egyptian Imports from the United States
The United States is Egypt’s number one single trading partner and the second most important trading bloc after the European Union. The United States supplies 17.7 pecent of total Egyptian merchandise imports and receives 12.4 percent of total Egyptian merchandise exports, while Egypt receives only 0.45 percent of total U.S. merchandise exports. Egyptian imports from the United States are approximately five times the volume of exports, resulting in the second largest trade deficit among Egypt’s bilateral trade balances.
During 1999, Egypt’s exports to the United States reached $617.1 million with a decrease of 6.5 percent from 1998. On the other hand, Egyptian imports from the United States reached $3,025.4 million, decreasing by only 1.12 percent from the 1998 level.
As an importer, Egypt is the largest receiver of U.S. agricultural goods in both Africa and the Middle East. However, it receives less than one percent of total U.S. exports of manufactured products. As an exporter, Egypt ranks the third among Middle Eastern exporters of agricultural or manufactured goods to the United States. The top Egyptian exports to the United States are cotton, textiles and apparel, petroleum and furniture. The top Egyptian imports from the United States are wheat, arms and ammunition, machinery and equipment, and tobaccom. (For values of the top 10 traded items with the United States click here.)
Exporting to the United States
The customs territory of the United States consists of 51 states, along with U.S. administered territories of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.
Headquartered in Washington, D.C., the U.S. Customs Service divides its operation according to seven geographical regions. Each region is further divided into districts, with more than one port of entry Seaport or airport) per district.
Cargo entering the United States passes through several stages as of arrival at the port

