“At a press conference, syndicate Chairman Saeed al-Gohari urged the
government to take immediate action to rescue the industry and its
“div class=”panel-pane pane-node-body”>”div class=”pane-content”>. Some private sector plants have shut down because they are already
unable to continue production amid such circumstances, al-Gohari said .
.He said the government should allocate lands for cotton cultivation
to meet factories’ needs, pump new investments into the companies,
reform financial and management structures, and counter dumping and
smuggling activities to protect the local industry .
. Observers believe that Egypt’s cotton textile industry has been
witnessing a continuous downturn due to insufficient government
subsidization for cotton cultivation. Cotton is known to be Egypt’s
oldest crop .
. Al-Gohari stressed on the necessity to develop cotton productivity
which, he said, severely dropped over the past years because of reliance
on imported cotton .

