The spot rates dropped Rs400/maund to Rs6,200/maund (37.324kg) and Rs6,645/40kg. Ex-Karachi rates also decreased to Rs6,335/maund and Rs6,790/40kg after an addition of Rs135 and Rs145 as upcountry expenses, respectively An analyst said the prices reduced because of the lack of interest by the buyers, while sellers were forced to sell at lower rates after no activity in the market for a couple of days “New crop has started arriving, but prices of new lint have reduced by around Rs1,000/maund in a few weeks, which are expected to further drop in the coming days,” he said. “A better crop is expected this year, which will suppress the prices.” New York cotton market witnessed an increase on all its futures. July futures rose 1.31 cents to 75.31 cents/pound and July futures increased 1.31 cents to 70.36 cents/pound

