ncreasing trade frictions and anti-dumping duty cases on Chinese textile industry have compelled the domestic industry to find new tricks to remain afloat in international markets, especially in the US and EU .China has found Egypt as new conduit to re-export its products to the two major destinations. Shipping time from China to US is 45 days, however from Egypt to the US, it just takes 18 days .But with the new modus operandi of dispatching raw materials to Egypt and then to export the finished goods takes almost 39 days .This apart, textile products exported to the US and the EU with Made-in-Egypt tags are not required to pay more custom duties. .Goods from Mediterranean countries, currently export with less duties due to preferential quota system avialble to them .For Chinese textile and clothing enterprises, shift from Made-in-China to Made-in-Egypt will be the best way to circumvent trade imbroglio that they are currently facing”Source:”

