.The UK arm of the French company said its unique visitors have risen 92% in the quarter ..Brand
Alley UK chief executive Rob Feldmann said the “impressive growth rate”
was achieved “against the backdrop of challenging economic conditions
that have affected the UK retail sector over the Christmas period” ..He
added: “2012 will, we believe, prove to be yet another exciting year of
further opportunity and continued growth for the Company ..“We
remain extremely committed to delivering the highest levels of customer
service to our members by providing them with direct access to the very
best and latest brands at highly discounted prices ..“We will continue to be the market leader in the UK and become a key player in online retailing.” ..Brand Alley said it is to launch a mobile site “shortly” ..Antoine
Leloup, the current chief executive of Brand Alley Group, has been
appointed president with immediate effect following the departure of
Sven Lung .

