According to the interview Hoque pulls no punches when it
comes to buyers saying that his members get no support and are always being
squeezed by the buyers. Hoque says that brands need to share responsibility for
factory workers who need money ‘first and foremost’ for food and shelter”
.In Hoque’s opinion, brands should be increasing the prices
they pay for garments each year whilst ensuring the increase is passed on to
workers in wages .
.The interview says that according to BKMEA figures,
Bangladesh’s knitwear exports have slowed by 3.35% over the eight months to
March 2010, after growing around 15% in each of the past few years. Although
the downturn has slowed progress, knitwear still accounts for 77% of the
country’s exports .
.Hoque goes on to tell Just-Style that factors other than the
economic crisis are also affecting the industry such as gas and electricity
shortages and says that ‘without power it is a redundant industry’ .
.The interview goes on to cover Hoque’s views on emerging
consumer markets for Bangladesh’s producers, the power struggle, low cost
labour, labour practices and the role the brands should play .

