Jordan called on its three partners of the AGADIR Agreement in order to establish a free trade area among Arab Mediterranean countries to take part in the European ready made garment exhibitions at one booth to offer their opportunities and advantages of investment..Chairman of Central Department for Bilateral and Multilateral Agreements, Sayed Abdallah, said that a meeting of the heads of exports development sectors at the AGADIR four member states is scheduled in Amman this week..The meeting aims at discussing ways of coordinating the participation of the four states at the International Apparel and Clothing Trade Fair which will be held in Paris next October. Abdallah added that 60 companies of AGADIR states will take part in the exhibition with 100 meters for each to be able to show their products and to seek European partnerships and investment opportunities..He said that the participation in this exhibition is an opportunity that must be seized as it will witness the attendance of a huge number of EU companies, factories and businessmen..He mentioned that the participation will maintain AGADIR states volume of exports to the EU and enhance ways of their increase to overcome the negative impact of the world financial crisis. .

