The commitment percentage for G70 (Extra long Staple) reached 14,745 Tons with percentage of 23.28% of the total commitments. .
The commitment percentage for G88 (Extra long Staple) reached 11,800 Tons with percentage of 18.63% of the total commitments. .
While G86 (Long Staple) reached 36,789 Tons with percentage of 58% which the highest percentage of total commitments. .
The prices of Egyptian cotton varieties are: .
Extra long staple: .
-Giza 70 : 143.50 cent/lb .
-Giza 88 : 138.50 cent/lb .
Long Staple: .
-Giza 86 : 131.25 cent/lb .
American PIMA cotton: .
-PIMA : 130 cent/lb

